During your introduction to 10X, learn to understand the implications of Nutrition Facts labels. Numbers on the label break the product in the package down to fundamentals, informing you what happens to that food in your body after you eat it.
The Relationship between protein and calories is the key. Look at PROTEIN first. Protein is reported as a number, in grams. As you’re looking at the label, multiply that protein number in your head times ten BY ADDING A ZERO AT THE END OF THE NUMBER. For example, if an item has 5 grams of protein, multiplying by ten (adding a zero at the end of the number) gives you 50. If an item has 8 grams of protein, multiplying by ten (adding a zero at the end of the number) gives you 80. If an item has 14 grams of protein, multiplying by ten gives you 140. If an item has 23 grams of protein, multiplying by ten gives you 230. IT’S EASY!! Then look at the CALORIES number. The calories number must be equal to or less than ten times the protein number to qualify as a 10X food.
So, if the Nutrition Facts label shows 7 grams of protein and 70 calories, it’s OK to eat on the 10X diet. If the label shows 11 grams of protein and 90 calories, that’s also OK, because 90 is less than 110, the product of protein (11 grams) times ten. If the label shows 11 grams of protein and 250 calories (or anything greater than 110 calories), that item is NOT a 10X food. Don’t eat it, and don’t buy it.